Visualization for Machine Learning

Spring 2024

Deep Learning

  • We will start by reviewing concepts of Deep Learning.

Deep Learning

Understanding Deep Learning by Simon J.D. Prince. Published by MIT Press, 2023.

Deep Learning Terminology

  • Inference: \(y = f[x, \Phi]\)

  • \(y\): prediction

  • \(x\): input

  • \(\Phi\): model parameters

  • We “learn” the parameters from pairs of “training data” \(\{x_i, y_i\}\)

  • We quantify the accuracy by using a (scalar) loss function \(L[\Phi]\). The smaller the loss, the better our model “fits” the data.

  • To check the “generalization” of the model, we run the model on “test data”, which is separate from the training data.

1-D linear regression model

  • \(y = f[x, \Phi] = \Phi_0 + \Phi_1 x\)

1-D linear regression model: Loss

1-D linear regression model: Loss

1-D linear regression model: Loss Surface

1-D linear regression model: Optimization

Shallow neural networks

  • \(y = f[x, \Phi] = \Phi_0 \\ + \Phi_1 a[ \Theta_{10} + \Theta_{11} x] \\ + \Phi_2 a[ \Theta_{20} + \Theta_{21} x] \\ + \Phi_3 a[ \Theta_{30} + \Theta_{31} x]\)

  • We now have 10 parameters

  • And also, an “activation” function \(a[]\)

Shallow neural networks: Activation function ReLU

Shallow neural networks: Neural network intuition

Shallow neural networks: Neural network intuition

Shallow neural networks: Neural network intuition

Shallow neural networks: Universal Approximation Theorem

Shallow neural networks: Terminology

  • Neural networks is composed of “layers”
  • “input” layer, “hidden” layers, “output layer”
  • Hidden units are called “neurons”
  • As data passes through, the values are called “pre-activation” and “activations”

Deep neural networks: Composing multiple networks

Deep neural networks: Folding Input Space

Deep neural networks: Two hidden layers

Deep neural networks: Multiple hidden layers

Further References


