Visualization for Machine Learning
Spring 2024
This presentation is heavily influenced and borrows directly from Prof. Christopher Manning’s Stanford cs224n project discussion.
The Final Project
You either:
You can work in teams 1-3. Teams are encouraged. Obviously, more is expected from a team than an individual.
Custom Final Projects
You will need to talk to me or one of the following people about approval for a custom project:
- Erin McGowan
- Vitoria Guardiero
- Guande Wu
- Joao Rulff
- Parikshit Solunke
If you intend to do one, please reach out immediately.
Why Choose the Default Final Project (DFP)
Why do Custom Final Project (CFP)?
- If you
- Have some research project that you’re very excited about, which involves the class topics
- You want to try something on your own
- You want to see more of the process of defining your own research goal, finding data and tools, etc
- Then
- DFP are a more guided option, but it’s not that they’re less work
- DFP are also open-ended projects where you can explore different approaches and your own creativity.
- There are great DFP and great CFP… and weak DFP and CFP.
- We will be giving a Best Project Award for each type of project (assuming quantify and quality of entries)
Project Proposal
- Find a relevant (key) research paper for your topic
- For DFP, those are provided
- Write a summary of that research paper and what you took away from it as key ideas that you hope to use
- Write what you plan to work on, and how you can innovate in your final project
- Describe as needed, in particular for CFP.
- Project plan, relevant existing literature, data that you will use, how you will evaluate your work
Project Proposal
- Skill: How to think critically about a research paper
- What were the main novel contributions?
- Is the work general and reusable or a special case?
- Are there flaws or neat details in that they did?
- How does it fit with other papers on similar topics?
- Does it provoke good questions on further or different things to try?
Project Proposal
- How to do a good job on your project plan?
- You need to have an overall sensible idea
- But most project plans are lacking in nuts-and-bolts:
- Do you have your data? Can you collect it quickly?
- Do you have a realistic evaluation plan? Is it convincing?
- Do you have appropriate baselines?
Project Writeup
- Writeup quality is very important to your grade!
Sample Project
Sample Project
Sample Project
Plan To Use It in Your Portfolio
Plan To Use It in Your Portfolio