Visualization for Machine Learning

Spring 2024

Topological Data Analysis

What is topology?

  • Topology studies the shape of mathematical objects

  • Unlike Geometry, it is not concerned with sizes, angles, nor coordinates

  • It is concerned with the connectivity (or lack of) between different “parts” of the object

  • Two objects are topologically equivalent if we can transform one into another with continuous transformations (without tearing the object)

What is topology?

Why topology?

  • Since topology analyzes the shape while discarding possibly unnecessary information, it is frequently used for analyzing high-dimensional objects

  • Topological data analysis (TDA) uses techniques from topology to analyze datasets

  • To do this, it is necessary to construct topological representations of the dataset’s points

Why topology? - An example in chemistry

Why topology? - An example in chemistry

Why topology? - An example in chemistry

Why topology? - An example in biology

Betti numbers

The \(d^{th}\) Betti number counts the number of \(d\)-dimensional holes. It can be used to distinguish between spaces.

  • \(\beta_0(X)\) Connected components in X

  • \(\beta_1(X)\) Tunnels or holes in X

  • \(\beta_2(X)\) Voids in X

First Example - Map

What is a peak?

First Example - Map

What is a peak?

First idea: Using local maximum

First Example - Map

What is a peak?

Second idea: flooding

First Example - Map

What is a peak?

Second idea: flooding

First Example - Map

What is a peak?

Second idea: flooding

First Example - Map

What is a peak?

Second idea: flooding

First Example - Map

What is a peak?

Second idea: flooding

First Example - Map

What is a peak?

Second idea: flooding

First Example - Map

What is a peak?

Second idea: flooding

First Example - Map

The island \(I\) appears at sea level \(b\) (its birth time)…

First Example - Map

The island \(I\) appears at sea level \(b\) (its birth time)…

and disapears at seas level \(d\) (its death time) at local maximum \(x\).

The point \(x\) is a peak if the persistence\(:= d-b\) of the island \(I\) is larger than \(91\)m (=\(300\)ft).

First Example - Map

The persistence diagram (PD) of the elevation function is the collection of the points \((b,d)\), where \((b,d)\) corresponds to the birth/death of an island.

First Example - Map

The persistence diagram (PD) of the elevation function is the collection of the points \((b,d)\), where \((b,d)\) corresponds to the birth/death of an island.

Second Example

Second Example

Second Example

Second Example

Second Example

Second Example

Second Example

Second Example

Second Example

Second Example

Second Example

Second Example

Second Example

Persistence diagram

Distance between persistence diagrams

If we have more than one persistence diagram, how do we measure the distance between them?

Distance between persistence diagrams

We place both in the same diagram

Distance between persistence diagrams

We place both in the same diagram

Get the optimal pair matching between the points (including the diagonal)

Distance between persistence diagrams

We place both in the same diagram

Get the optimal pair matching between the points (including the diagonal)

The bottleneck distance between them will be the largest pair distance

Simplicial complexes


We call a non-empty family of sets \(K\) with a collection of non-empty subsets \(S\) an abstract simplicial complex if:

  1. \(\{v\} \in S\) for all \(v \in K\)
  2. If \(\sigma \in S\) and \(\tau \subseteq \sigma\), then \(\tau \in K\).


The elements of a simplicial complex \(K\) are called simplices. A \(k\)-simplex consists of \(k+1\) verticies.

Simplicial complexes


Simplicial complexes can be decomposed into their skeletons, which only contain simplices of a certain dimension.

Simplicial complexes


Simplicial complexes can be decomposed into their skeletons, which only contain simplices of a certain dimension.

Simplicial complexes


Simplicial complexes can be decomposed into their skeletons, which only contain simplices of a certain dimension.

Simplicial complexes


Simplicial complexes can be decomposed into their skeletons, which only contain simplices of a certain dimension.

Simplicial complexes


This is not a simplicial complex because some higher-dimensional simplices do not intersect in a lower dimensional one!

Simplicial complexes


Notice that \(K\) does not contain the 2-simplex \(\{a,b,c\}\)

From points clouds to simplicial complexes

From points clouds to simplicial complexes

From points clouds to simplicial complexes

Strategy 1: Triangulation

Constructing the data’s simplicial complex

Vietoris-Rips construction


Given a set of points \(\mathcal{X} = \{x_1,\dots,x_n\}\) and a metric \(dist\) (such as the Euclidean distance), pick a threshold \(\epsilon\) and build the Vietoris-Rips complex \(\mathcal{V}_\epsilon\) defined as:

\[\mathcal{V}_\epsilon := \{\sigma \subseteq \mathcal{X} | \forall u,v \in \sigma : dist(u,v) \leq \epsilon\}\]

Equivalently, \(\mathcal{V}_\epsilon\) contains all simplices whose diameter is less than or equal to \(\epsilon\).

Vietoris-Rips construction


Draw Euclidean balls (circles) of diameter \(\epsilon\) and create a \(k\)-simplex \(\sigma\) for each subset of \(k+1\) points that intersect pairwise.

Some details about this construction

  • This construction dates back to a 1927 article by Leopold Vietoris\(^1\)

  • A 2010 paper by Afra Zomorodian\(^2\) describes several construction algorithms

  • The basic idea is to build higher-dimensional simplices inductively from lower-dimensional ones

  • In the worst case, the Vietoris-Rips complex will contain all \(2^n\) subsets of its underluing point clous \(\mathcal{X}\)!

The betti numbers of a Vietoris-Rips complex


Issues with this approach

  • How to pick \(\epsilon\)?

  • There might not be one ‘correct’ value for \(\epsilon\).

  • Computationally inefficient

Picking \(\epsilon\) - Topological Persistence

Intuition: Go through all scales and track the topological features

Picking \(\epsilon\) - Topological Persistence

Intuition: Go through all scales and track the topological features

Picking \(\epsilon\) - Topological Persistence

Intuition: Go through all scales and track the topological features

Picking \(\epsilon\) - Topological Persistence

Intuition: Go through all scales and track the topological features

Picking \(\epsilon\) - Topological Persistence

Intuition: Go through all scales and track the topological features

Strategy 2: Data skeleton

The Mapper Algortihm

Math World

We start in “Math World”, where

  • We draw the data as a smooth manifold
  • Functions that appear are smooth or continuous

We will not need either of these assumptions once we are in the “Data World”.

Even more importantly, data in the real world is never like this.

Math World

Math World

Math World

Math World

Math World

Math World

Math World

Math World

Math World

Math World

Math World

Math World

Math World

Math World

Why is this useful?

We get “easy” understanding of the localizations of quantities of interest.

Why is this useful?

We get “easy” understanding of the localizations of quantities of interest.

Why is this useful?

We get “easy” understanding of the localizations of quantities of interest.

Why is this useful?

We get “easy” understanding of the localizations of quantities of interest.

Why is this useful?

We get “easy” understanding of the localizations of quantities of interest.

Why is this useful?

We get “easy” understanding of the localizations of quantities of interest.

Why is this useful?

We get “easy” understanding of the localizations of quantities of interest.

Why is this useful?

We get “easy” understanding of the localizations of quantities of interest.

  • Lenses inform us where in the space to look for phenomena.
  • For easy localizations many different lenses will be informative.
  • For hard (= geometrically distributed) localizations we have to be more careful. But even then, we frequently get incremental knowledge from a poorly chosen lens.

Data World - Mapper

We need to adjust the “Math World” view to bring the algorithm into the “Data World”

  • We replace points with open sets in the range of the lens
  • We replace “connected component of the inverse image” with “clusters in the inverse image”
  • We connect clusters (nodes) with an edge if they share points in common.

Data World - Mapper

Data World - Mapper

Data World - Mapper

Data World - Mapper

Data World - Mapper

Data World - Mapper

Data World - Mapper

Data World - Mapper

Data World - Mapper

Data World - Mapper

Data World - Mapper

Data World - Mapper

Data World - Mapper

To look further



Some books of interest:

  • Edelsbrunner, Herbert, and John L. Harer. Computational topology: an introduction. American Mathematical Society, 2022.

  • Dey, Tamal Krishna, and Yusu Wang. Computational topology for data analysis. Cambridge University Press, 2022.

  • Carlsson, Gunnar, and Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson. Topological data analysis with applications. Cambridge University Press, 2021.

Introductory paper:

  • Chazal, Frédéric, and Bertrand Michel. “An introduction to topological data analysis: fundamental and practical aspects for data scientists.” Frontiers in artificial intelligence 4 (2021): 108.


TDA in Python:

  • For overall TDA data structures and algorithms: GUDHI (both C++ and Python) or scikit-tda
  • For a faster implementation of the Vietoris-Rips:
  • For a faster implementation of the Mapper: KeplerMapper

For an open-source library and software collection for topological data analysis and visualization: Topology ToolKit

For more examples of TDA aplications: