Research Team
The most rewarding part of academia is to work with extremely talented and hard working young people.
Here are some current and past team members:
- Carlos David Melo
- Priscylla Maria Da Silva Sousa
- Michael Middleton
- Sonia Castelo
- Jing Qian
- Fabio Felix
- Suemy Inagaki
- Felipe de Oliveira
- Parikshit Solunke
- Erin McGowan
- Guan-de Wu
- Joao Rulff
- Vitoria Guardieiro (PhD student at University of Pennsylvania)
- Shaoyu Chen (Meta)
- Ethan Brewer (Senior Scientist at Spectral Sciences, Inc.)
- Yurii Piadyk (Postdoc at NYU)
- Maryam Hosseini (Postdoc at MIT)
- Peter Xenopoulos (Research Scientist at NVIDIA)
- Jianzhe Lin (Senior Applied Scientist at Microsoft Research)
- Shuya Zhao (Machine Learning Engineer at NotCo)
- Gromit Yeuk-Yin Chan (Research Scientist at Adobe Research)
- Jorge Piazentin Ono (Research Scientist at Bosch Research)
- Fabio Miranda (Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago)
- Marcos Lage (Associate Professor at Federal Fluminense University)
- Alexander Bock (Assistant Professor at Linköping University)
- Bowen Yu (Quantitative Software Engineer at Gotham Asset Management)
- Aritra Dasgupta (Assistant Professor at NJIT)
- Nivan Ferreira (Assistant Professor at Federal University of Pernanbuco)
- Jorge Poco (Associate Professor at Fundação Getulio Vargas)
- Harish Doraiswamy (Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research India)
- Tiago Etiene (Senior Applied Scientist at Amazon)
- Matthew Berger (Assistant Professor at Vanderbilt University)
- Huy Vo (Associate Professor at City University of New York)
- Erik Anderson (Head Data Scientist at Novartis)
- Lauro Lins (Principal Inventive Scientist at AT&T Labs)
- Emanuele Santos (Associate Professor at Universidade Federal do Ceará)
- David Koop (Assistant Professor at Northern Illinois University)
- Carlos Scheidegger (Associate Professor at University of Arizona)
- Steven Callahan (Project Lead at University of Utah)
- Louis Bavoil (NVIDIA)
- Shachar Fleishman (Research Scientist at Intel)
- Wagner Correa (Principal Engineer at Chicago Trading Company)